"Elliot Kane" (2010) - (Winner of "Best Picture" at SJSU, Campus Movie Fest 2010)
Screened at Universal Studios
"Vigorade" (2009) - (International Winner of "Best Original Soundtrack," Campus Movie Fest 2010)
Awarded by Pixar's "Up" composer, Michael Giacchino.
"Calvin" (2009)
"Bus" (2008) - (International Winner of "Best Directing," Campus Movie Fest 2009)
Screened at Paramount Studios.
"High Stakes Hooky" (2008) - (Winner of "Audience Choice Award," 48 Hour Film Project San Jose, 2008)
"Bobby's House" (2007) - (Winner of "Best Comedy," Campus Movie Fest, 2008)
(Winner of "Best Picture" at SJSU, Campus Movie Fest, 2007)
Screened at Houston Theater, NYC
(Official Cinequest Film Selection 2008)